Monday, May 18, 2009

Cupcake 79 - Rachel Alexandra

I'm always intrigued by the Preakness. I think I like the tradition of it. Not so much the actual horse racing. Baltimore celebrates in a big way when Preakness rolls around -- lots of festivities and a parade. Who doesn't love a parade? I try not to get caught up in event cupcake baking; but Preakness draws me in. I don't know of a specific food connected to the race. Crabcakes of course, because it's Maryland, but nothing else. Preakness does have fair amount of alcohol, along with lots of beer, there is the "Black Eyed Susan." I've never had one, but after a few searches it seems to be citrus based with alcohol, recipe to recipe it differs, not sure what the decider might be. There is also the lesser known "Horsey Hilltop," a rye based drink with a touch of brown sugar and a dash of bitters. My nod to Preakness is a burnt butter, brown sugar cupcake with a bitters buttercream. Cheers Rachel Alexandra!
You go girl!

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