Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The search is ongoing

Not sure what to make this week, I'm trolling around for a solid yellow or white cupcake with a good crumb, somewhat dense, sweet, but not too sweet. A "go to" kinda cupcake. I seem to be shying away from recipes with milk, I'm not sure what it is about the cake, it feels heavy in the mouth, almost dry. I hate to say it, I'm looking for the texture of a box cake without the additives and stabilizers. A much smaller crumb, something light and spongy.
And then I'm stuck on the frosting, buttercream and cream cheese seem so cloyingly sweet (and tired.) I get it, two fats and sugar make for good mouth feel, but I want a little more. Maybe not as creamy more of a whipped texture. I'd like a frosting I can pipe.

The search is ongoing.

An aside, I made a quick ganache last night, to use the "overrun" of naked cupcakes from Sunday. (I hate to let anything go to waste.) Easy -- dark chocolate, a little cream (1 to 1 ratio) heated to a simmer, a pinch of salt and a little sugar. I let it set up in the refigerator before I dunked them, it set to hard topping. The bitter chocolate with the sweet cupcakes worked well, good yin and yang.

Maybe I'm looking for more of a cupcake topping than a frosting....

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