Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Cupcake 67 - Ewww

Part of my day job is to procure tchotckes. This week it was lollipops. Blue lollipops for a client. In the world of advertising, clients have colors that identify their brand, and in an effort to stay true to their brand they often choose to match food items and logos. This client's logo is blue. Blue lollipops do not taste like anything. They taste umm... sweet.

Same deal with this week's cupcake. It tastes sweet. Not a trace taste from the key ingredients - white chocolate, wassail or cranberry. Only sweet. I was going for a rich, super spicy, fruity thing. Maybe pink cupcakes, after all the big Valentine's Day was nipping at my heels. Nope. The were gray, moist, dense, no particular taste. Nothing that screamed undying love, Hallmark cards and overpriced flowers.

I'll own up, I was using some of the odd things people have given me - a bottle of Wassail-ed wine (I hate hot drinks, hot wine has no appeal) a jar of homemade "cranberry smear" (I think the idea is to spread it on sandwiches and muffins. I'm not a condiment person.) And a huge hunk of white chocolate (for me this is not chocolate and generally wrong and useless.) I don't mean to be ungrateful, really. I try to put these gifts to use, but I struggle and more often than not should just walk away.

No need to post the recipe, you should never make these. Save your butter, sugar, sour cream for something tastier. You will be much happier. Lick a blue lollipop if you are curious about the taste. It's about the same.

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