Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Yummm.... Eggnog cake

I don't usually make resolutions, New Years' related or otherwise. I more commitment phobic preferring to make more subtle promises and set "life improvement" goals. One such goal is go back to my blog. I have not stopped baking and cooking, I only stopped writing about it. Not sure why. Something to do with cupcake frosting, I got tired of making frosting and the whole thing came to a halt. Crazy, right? So I'm back and I promise to hang out for a while, maybe even embrace frosting again, who knows. Its a whole new year!

First recipe of the year, Eggnog Cake. Fitting right? We had the better part of a container of Nog left over and I kept tripping over it in the refrigerator. (Rob had one glass of said eggnog and deemed it much thicker than he remembered and moved on. Isn't thickness part of the eggnog charm? Maybe thinned with a wee bit of rum?) For me, often its a single ingredient that spurs an entire recipe. I like to make the most out of my groceries, hating to let ingredients go to waste. It makes me crazy to have my refrigerator bogged down with items not in "active duty." So, Eggnog Cake. Tasty and pro ported to be good with coffee too. Thank you Nancy for the recipe. http://tinyurl.com/2w7aw84.

For the record I baked two loaves, one with rum flavoring and the second with a bit of actual rum, Kracken.

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